Saturday, December 18, 2010


Oh, shit...
Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself.
My name is Hella Catwood but you can guess it's not my real name. I used to use it on the Internet. By the way, it's from my nickname 'Hellcat' and I made a full name of it: Hella Catwood. I like it.
I'm in the beginning of my twenties, so I'm still young.
I studied for being a fashion designer for 12 and a half years, but I had to finish it because of my health problems (More about the causes in the next post), but I don't mind. For a year I was at home, cared about my soul and my life and enjoyed my love with my LoVe. (I will mention him under this nickname). And I thought I'm out of misery, I'm out of pain but I've never made a huge mistake than when I said that. With LoVe my life turned 180 degrees. (More about love soon) After appr. one year I went to a university to study free liberal arts but it wasn't my way so I left it too, and made my beloved ones nervous again about myself. 
So since October I'm free again and I have too much time too think.

Facts about me:
- I have dark brown eyes and originally I had chocolate brown hair but I dyed it to aubergine purple (dark, only could see in the sunlight) but when it started to fade away it slowly went into red and ouch! I hated it. So I tried to came back into brown, firstly with a light caramel brown, but because it was red again after 2-3 hairwash, I used a darker and a more darker brown, but it had always that red-like attitude. So... I dyed it again into a dark and warm burgundy purple. And it's purple for 4 weeks, so far. ;)
- I always bite my nails. It's an old bad habit I couldn't resist but as years passed I slowly came out of it but if I'm nervous my first thing to do it bite my nails into flesh. I used several nail polish,I used to use a special one. I was so happy to found a polish with anti bite treatment. When I first tried it I licked it and aoww... Terribly bitter! But after another 100 licks I used to it and it was useless to polish my nails with that. 

- Usually, I polish my nails with dark colours, often dark purple but my favourite is my killer red. Amazing!

- And I won't tell you a top secret if I tell you my favourite colours: purple, red, silver, black, poison green and their mix.
- My style is absolute can tell you about me everything. I'm lazy, I'm kind of an i-do-not-care person. Some people say I'm bohemian. Heh, yeah, I can say it. I wear usually black, mostly my top wears, but not only because I'm a dark minded person, it has a practical reason: I can sweat hardly and I don't like the huge patches under my armpits (and I guess noone else like them) and the deos can't be useful. 
- I use spray deo (Nivea Pearl&Beauty), its odour lasts longer for me. 

- My favourite jewelry is my ring what I got from my LoVe for Valentine's Day. We were together for 1 and a half MONTHS and he kneeled down in front of me and opened this heart shaped box and the only thing I could say: "Baby, say you won't ask me any question!". Fortunately, he didn't. He said, this ring is about his love about me, not an engagement. And a Mount Everest fallen down of my heart. :D 

- Another nice jewelry of mine is my watch. It looks like an old watch and I fallen in love with it.

- One thing I always carry with me: my sensitive rouge from Neutrogena with Norwegian Formula. My lips can dry out often by the cold wind, by the warm weather, etc. and it hurts. Like now. So, I use this lipstick thickly on my lips.

- Along with the deo I use a perfume since it released in 2009. I got it from my aunt for Christmas, it was a collection with a 2.5 fl oz perfume spray and a same quantity of shower gel. I just went another bottle of perfume (3rd times during this year). Oh, and it is... Halle by Halle Berry

- About another bad habit... I smoke. I can say worse thing: since I was 11. So, almost ten years... Ouch! I can feel the disadvantages: I often out of breath, my heart hurts, my halitosis... pff... nevermind... and etc. But I can't put it down, not for a week. So, I try to squeeze the dose to a healtier quantity, I mean 1-3/day. Well... At least, I try. :D During the years my style changed. First time I smoked Red Marlboro.what I found on the street. Everybody who smoke that first time said they puked and felt awful... I lit up another next to the previous. But because I was only 11 I couldn't buy any cigarettes so I had to smoke my Mom's... and that was mountwind, nothing. So, when I went into high school to an other city my first thing to do was take advantage of that I looked older and bought a Red Malboro. I was 14 and my health was already under the frog's ass so I tried to smoke a lighter cigarette. Firstly I smoked Blue cigarettes but one time I had an experimenter moment and bought a Green one... And I liked it. Now, I only could smoke Green cigarettes. Mostly, Green Bond - it's cheaper and have a good taste. :)

Well, first time I think I told you many things but if I forgot to tell you something I will, promise. ;) Comments? :)

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