Saturday, December 18, 2010


This is my firts post in my blog.
I have never got  a blog before, so it's a new experience for me, I guess.
If you will follow me in my journey, maybe you'll feel the same as me or you'll think I'm crazy, but nevermind, it's okay. 
I'll really appreciate every comments and messages and will answer all of them, even if it's good or bad, but please, no rude comments! Thank you.
And... Maybe you already recognized but I want to be honest so I tell you personally that I'm not American, British and I don't live in any countries where the people speaks English, so I only use that little knowledge I have got now. It's a practise for me, I'll try to upgrade my English knowledge.
But it's not an English schoolbook, I won't write about grammar or something like that. It's my journey in my LIFE and I want to share every feelings with you. I will post my favourite songs and their lyrics, poems and quotes. 
And once again: sorry for my bad English! It's gonna be better, I promise!
About posting time... Where I am now, it's my original home where my mom lives alone now since my sister and I moved out. Now I live with my boyfriend, 22 miles away and there is no Internet, so I only can post when I am here which is not so often, BUT! I will write my posts in my laptop almost every day and as soon as I can reach the Internet I will put them up. Deal?
But now... Let get it started!

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